Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dick Whittington Customs House Panto Competition.

Hey up.
How goes it.. Hope you are still enjoying the reviews that me and my lovely team have been putting up for you.
I have really enjoyed this year with my reviews and on-stage appearances (poetry and as an extra in Allo Allo (bit of a blog coming about that, when I get five minutes)), sometimes there really isn't enough hours in the day, to do all that I want.

Anyways, it is that time of the year again when the central heating boiler needs a hammer to it, the first adverts for Xmas are on the TV and Simon Cowell and the rest of the X-Factor team really get up your nose.
It is also the time of year for Panto! OOH YES IT IS
In the summer, at a local festival, I won four tickets in a lucky dip run by The Customs House in South Shields to come along and watch their annual Panto - Dick Whittington on opening night of Thursday 29th November 2012 (it will probably be raining/blowing a gale/snowing...but I am sure the roof in TCH is sound and you will be safe from any elements that are present), but seeing as though this year I will be offered press/review tickets, I thought that I would have my very first competition!

So for a chance to win one pair of tickets (two prizes) answer me the following question:
In one of my posts I get interviewed by David Cooke (who I shared a stage with in Allo Allo). In this interview I categorically deny being somebody! Who is this somebody?

Not so small print:
All answers must be in the comment section of this post (I will not be revealing any answers until the 15th Nov).
You must name yourself...bit daft being anonymous!
I will need to contact you if you are chosen, so a Facebook/Twitter/Email address will have to be supplied.
I will need to hand you the ticket in person, either on the night or as close to the night as possible, so you must be fairly local (sorry all my followers the world over..!!)
The competition will remain open until Thursday 15th November 2012 (two weeks before opening night).
All posters with the correct answer will be placed in a Tesco's 'Every Little Helps' sustainable bag for life and drawn out by #someoneorother (I haven't decided yet!)

Happy Hunting, good luck

Michael Hunter


  1. By 'eck, Mike! This is tricky to find! Lol! But find it I did! ;-) Don't suppose it's quite ethical for a your guest reviewer to enter the competition, though! So just thought I would offer a bit of encouragement for anyone looking for the answer, it is in here! (I should also say, I am absolutely un-bribable so it's no good asking me!) ;-)

  2. You are not Mr Monkey. 2 mins 50 seconds into interview

  3. You are Mick "Mr Monkey" Hunter.


  4. Ahh thanks Denise (yes I like to keep my readers on their toes), and of course a few more hits to add to the tally..

    So there you go folks, Denise can find it, so can you..(up to 5pm on 17th Oct, two people have got it right, but I want my Tesco bag to be brimming with correct answer entries, so get looking, get digging..!!)


  5. Good luck to everyone who enters this competition...sadly, I am too far away to be able to accept the tickets...but it would have been fun to meet up with you...maybe in another life...lol

    Totally ace bloggy thing though :)

  6. So there you go...Competition has ended...really disappointed that I didn't need my TESCO bag to draw out the winners, as only two entrants...but hey ho..

    CONGRATS to Deka and Paulinema One will be in touch in the morning..!!

    I really hope you enjoy the panto, see you at the bar..mine is a Guinness..in a plastic glass of course..


  7. Can't believe no-one offered to bribe me for the answer! Shocking display of scruples by y'all... Enjoy the Panto (oh yes you will!)
