Friday, March 31, 2023

Review - Twelfth Night - People's Theatre

Twelfth Night  
People's Theatre
March 28th, 2023

If Music be the Food of Love...

If you've always thought Shakespeare a bit old fashioned, out-dated and only for those rather literary personages of a certain age then you need to see Twelfth Night at The People's Theatre... The ingenius team at People's have come up trumps once again with an inventive interpretation of the Bard. Twelfth Night is brought fully up to date with the setting transferred to a music festival, complete with sound checks, rain, portable toilets and some of the most creative costumes ever to grace a stage (or festival!) 
This is an hilarious production. I have rarely heard people laugh absolute belly laughs at a performance of Shakespeare - there were belly laugh, loud ones, and an abundance of chuckling throughout this original and creative performance. 

In keeping with the confusing plot line - we had women playing men, and men playing men, and women playing women pretending to be men....and of course they are all in love with the wrong man or woman, or man who is really a woman....Do try to keep up! 

It would be unfair and frankly impossible to pick out favourites amongst the characters. Every single member of the cast performed their socks off - and their yellow stockings! 

It is bawdy, boisterous and and has some banging tunes to boot! 

I would implore you to grab a wristband for the final two days of the Illyria Festival, but sadly it is sold out! So you will just have to take my word for it when I say you have missed a cracking show and you're not likely to see anything like it elsewhere! 

Bravo, People's Theatre! Bravo! 

*images by Paul Hood 

Denise Sparrowhawk

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