Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Shine - Review - Live Theatre

Live Theatre
4th May 2019

Last week I was privileged to see a preview of this show at Live Theatre. It is a 90 minute one man show made up of storytelling, music and acting. The show runs straight through with no interval - but it has to be said the time flies by as Keme Sikazwe tells his coming of age tale. It is full of humour and heartache.

He was just 3 yrs old when his family moved from Zambia to Newcastle. In Zambia, he says, everyone thinks England is like Buckingham palace. The reality of a council estate in Newcastle's west end is a shock to their system and each family member has to find ways to cope. His father works and studies, his mother sings and dances to the music she sometimes only hears in her head. His brother finds a different way - through drugs. And Kema, quiet  and painfully aware of his differentness, tries hard to fit in but never quite succeeds. His tale is one of a boy searching for his own identity in a world he doesn't seem to fit into no matter how hard he tries. It is not until he finally finds himself that he is able to feel at home not only in Newcastle, but also in his own skin.

With only two micrpohones and a backdrop of ever-changing light tubes for the set, Kema owns the space on stage. His performance is energetic, emotional, and humorous. The conversational style includes us, and engages us completely.

As I watched this astonishing performance, I found myself thinking that this boy was too young to own such a story - to have experienced so much in his short life so far. After the show I read the programme and found my thoughts echoed by Graeme Thompson,the director. At 26 not only has Kema experienced more than most of us, but he has successfully processed it all and formed it into a creative, emotive and meaningful piece of theatre.

I did find myself wanting to know more about what happened to his family - in 90 minutes we scratch the surface of what they all experienced and I think there is the makings of a much larger show here. 

One of the best shows I have experienced at live theatre. Kema Sikazwe shone on stage and am sure he will continue to do so. 

Denise Sparrowhawk

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